No place for ill discipline

Disciplined services must be held to account

THE appalling behaviour by members of Papua New Guinea’s security forces this month must be condemned by every member of the community. When soldiers and police officers run amok, indiscriminately firing weapons, how can members of the public feel safe? It is unacceptable in any democracy that members of the disciplined services should take matters – or indeed the law – into their own hands. Governments and the people rely on police officers and armed troops to ensure national safety and security. In this latest incident members of the security forces and their wives have been injured by the irresponsible actions of a few selfish individuals.

There is little wonder that the law and order sector in Papua New Guinea is so weak when troops can leave their barracks fully armed on a vengeful spree of an area populated by civilians. How were these men able to draw arms from what is presumably a secure military facility? Who gave permission for the arms to be taken out of the barracks and onto the street when there was no threat to the population? The incident at Boroko on January 1 points to glaring systemic weaknesses which exist in at least one Papua New Guinea Defence Force facility. 

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