Flight from volcano island

Islanders return to acid rain

WATER and sanitation testing is on the priority agenda for Ambae Island as it recovers from mass evacuation amid fears of the imminent eruption of Manaro volcano last month. Around 11000 people were evacuated to neighboring islands last October for safety as volcano alert levels was raised to four – the highest in Vanuatu’s alert matrix. Late last month, the Vanuatu government lifted the state of emergency and Ambae Islanders were allowed to return. According to an account of the Ambae situation reported on November 15 by Vanuatu’s disaster officer, Manson Taridenga, the country’s water and sanitation cluster was now cleaning and testing water quality in wells and tanks, while at the ssame time carriny out water and sanitation awareness.

Acid rain is a new thing to live with for the people of Ambae, and its negative impact can already be seen in the growth of vegtables like cabbages thus forcing some to move further north to the coastal areas….

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