Down Memory Lane; History emerges in Fiji novel

FIJI changed forever when the then Lieutenant-Colonel Sitiveni Rabuka walked into Parliament on May 14, 1987 and removed a democratically elected government. On that day Fiji lost her innocence and the nation was forced to confront the reality of the deep fissures – perceived and real – which extended across ethnic, religious and tribal lines. Even now those deep cracks in society remain with politicians struggling to find the balm which will soothe ill will and forever heal the wounds which have so divided the people. Blair Robertson walks us through the tumultuous days of 1987 in his new novel Kaiviti – A Fiji Tale.

Drawing from the memories of his youth, Robertson paints the picture of a young man growing up in the multiethnic Pacific Harbour area about 45 kilometres from Fiji’s capital, Suva. It is the tale of a group of friends from Fiji’s main ethnic groups whose friendship remains untouched by the machinations of politicians and community leaders. While their friendship is untouched, it is obvious that proceedings in the capital eventually reach out to every part of the country to eventually affect individual lives. Kaiviti – A Fiji Tale tells of Sean McDougall whose life as a student at Down Memory Lane History emerges in Fiji novel Kaiviti – A Fiji Tale Author: Blair Robertson Publisher: University of the South Pacific International School Suva with weekend surfing and picnics at Pacific Harbour is rudely interrupted by Rabuka’s coup.

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