Guns for cops

AFTER RAMSI Provinces support armed forces

WHEN Solomon Islands police officers walk onto Honiara’s streets with pistols, they will become the first armed force outside of former United States territories. With Cabinet approval, the Royal Solomon Island Police Force will roll out selectively armed units around the country beginning as early as this month. The first to be armed will be Close Protection Officers who provide security for government and other political leaders. It’s most likely they will be armed with Glock pistols which will be concealed. This will be followed by the introduction of a Special Response Unit trained in tactical responses to situations in which weapons suspects are armed.

The final phase of arming the RSIPF will see armed units introduced at key stations around the country and weapons pre-positioned in armouries at critical sites for use in emergencies. While a final decision to arm officers has not been taken, the Regional Assistance Mission to the Solomon Islands (RAMSI) has started to train selected personnel ahead of the roll-out.

“The training provided to carefully selected officers is of world class standard,” RAMSI Special Coordinator Quinton Devlin said. “The specialist units will be ready to be rearmed shortly but the decision to rearm rests with the Solomon Islands government.” Regional officials were in Honiara last month and saw first-hand the capabilities of armed RSIPF officers during a live fire exercise at police headquarters in Rove.

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