PCN outlines inquiry

AN internal investigation is underway to establish whether homes in the Lagilagi Eastate in Fiji’s capital were given to the poor, disabled and elderly. Peoples Concern Network Director, Semiti Qalowasa, confirmed he had received complaints about people occupying the homes although they did not meet the residency criteria. “(The homes) should be given to those consistent saving member inside and outside of Jittu.

According to the (PCN) housing team the first opportunity is given to those we have to relocate so that Lagilagi Housing could take place,” Qalowasa said. He said criteria for a home at Lagilagli was that people must be:

1. Residents of squatter settlements and poor peri-urban areas for six years

2. Have consistent savings

3. Paid less than $FJD16,500 per annum

4. Have no property elsewhere. Qalowasa claimed that PCN records showed that all 120 living in PCN flats met the criteria.

“But we are continuing to investigate allegations to see if some don’t fit in,” Qalowasa said. “When these allegations arose, I put together a team comprising (residents) in the new housing unit – Walosio Tolevu, Epeli a police special constable and the Methodist vakatawa (catechist).

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