Winds of change

WITHOUT much fanfare, our new look went online early last month. It’s the first of at least three phases of re-development that we have planned, and it compliments rather nicely the new look and feel we have introduced to the magazine itself over the last three to four months. These are work in progress of course, but we hope you are liking what you are seeing, in addition to what you are reading. The brief to the web developer was well, brief: improve its look, and make it very user friendly, and we believe the developer delivered in both fronts. The website now has a more modern look with good lay out and lots of white spaces, make it more pleasing to the eye, and easier to locate pages or options you want. If you access the internet through your smartphone or tablet, then our re-designed website can now be viewed just as nicely on those gadgets as well as on desktop.

Another desirable feature is the 3 in 1 concept of the website. With the first phase of the redevelopment completed, users can now see what is running on our website, our Facebook page and Twitter handle all on the one page. All news mediums are synchronised. The idea being you are up to date irrespective of which news medium you have opened in your smartphone, tablet or desktop. Linking Facebook to www. also has its own advantages.

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