French general reviews defence

Maritime border dispute between Vanuatu and New Caledonia is not for the French Navy or its Armed Forces to sort out, says Brigadier General Luc de Revel (pictured). He is the senior commander of the French Armed Forces based in New Caledonia, which also looks after the French territory of Wallis and Futuna,east of New Caledonia, or northeast of Fiji. General de Revel told Islands Business the maritime dispute is beyond his mandate, something that needs to be sorted out at the political level. He was in Fiji in October to meet the country’s Prime Minister Frank Bainimarama and his counterpart in the Fiji Military Forces, Brigadier General Mosese Tikoitoga.

Disaster management and air surveillance of Fiji’s 200 mile exclusive economic zone were in the agenda of his discussions with Fijian officials, said the visiting General. “Now that we’ve established Fiji’s views on resuming defence cooperation, on disaster management and maritime surveillance, we’re going to return to Noumea to formulate the possible way forward in continuing the good relationships between our two countries. “This visit was not to come and make any offers but just to hold discussions with my Fijian counterparts,” added General de Revel. He was accompanied in his Fiji tour by the French Embassy’s Noumea-based Defence Attache Commander Hubert Jannot and Dr Helene Goiran-Ponsard. Our great atmosphere and safe environment make it super easy for you to fall in love with our sexy chat If you want to enjoy some flirting, chatting and sexting and have some fun with local sexy girls then you need to get online and use a sexy chat room.

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