Impact methodology: Learning from the past, making sense of impact to inform the future.
The Global Climate Change Alliance Plus Scaling up Pacific Adaptation (GCCA+ SUPA) is about scaling up climate change adaptation measures in specific sectors supported by knowledge management and capacity building. The 4.5-year project (2019-2023) is funded with € 14.89 million from the European Union (EU) and implemented by the Pacific Community (SPC) in partnership with the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) and The University of the South Pacific (USP), in collaboration with the governments and peoples of Cook Islands, Federated States of Micronesia (FSM), Fiji, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Nauru, Niue, Palau, Tonga and Tuvalu.
A component of the project involves designing an impact methodology which will assess past adaptation interventions. The figure on the right illustrates the process.
The objective is to develop a framework for examining the residual impacts of climate change adaptation interventions.
Target Audience
The target groups are policy makers, disaster risk reduction managers, public health-development practitioners, budget planners in national and local authorities, regional organizations, locally based and international non-government organizations, interest groups in the public-private sector.
Impact Methodology: Adaptation
A framework for use by future practitioners to aid them in planning climate change adaptation interventions. In maintaining an objective focus there will inevitably be some aspects of subjectivity with four sets of criteria developed:
- Effectiveness. The extent to which the project’s results were attained, and the project’s specific objectives achieved.
- Sustainable social and behavioural changes. A theory of change which enables stakeholders to embed an intervention within a larger strategy, articulates a vision of meaningful social change.
- Successful lessons and practices. How vulnerable groups (persons with disabilities, elderly, women, youth or migrants) were involved or had their livelihood improved by the intervention.
- Overall sustainability of the completed climate change adaptation interventions.
The time frame to develop, test and communicate this impact assessment methodology to the target countries is from mid-2020 to mid-2023.
You can learn more about the GCCA+ SUPA project by visiting: