Movers and Shakers

Adela Issachar Aru

The Solomon Islands Government for National Unity and Transformation (GNUT) has sworn in 12 Members of Parliament as Ministers. They are:
Rex Annex Ramofafia, National Planning and Development
Makario Tagini, Forestry and Research.
Nestor Ghiro, Fisheries and Marine Resources.
Clezy Rore, Justice and Legal Affairs.
Rollen Seleso, Rural Development.
Trevor Hedley Mahaga, Environment, Climate Change, and Disaster Management, along with Meteorology.
Wayne Osopo Ghemu, Provincial Government and Institutional Strengthening.
Paul Popora Bosawai, Health and Medical Services.
Peter Shanel Agovaka, Foreign Minister.
Polycarp Paea, Lands, Housing and Survey.
John Junior Tuhaika, Public Service.
Franklyn Derick Wasi, Agriculture and Livestock Development.

The Pacific Tourism Organisation (SPTO) has announced the appointment of Adela Issachar Aru as its new Board Chairperson. Aru is the Chief Executive Officer of the Vanuatu Tourism Office. Viliami Takau, CEO of Tonga’s Ministry of Tourism, is SPTO’s new Deputy Chairman.

Ana Salaivalu Mataiciwa has been appointed Fiji’s Supervisor of Elections for a term of five years. She had been acting in the role.

The Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Governor, Arnold Palacios has appointed Registrar of Corporations, Remedio C. Mafnas as the Secretary for the Department of Commerce for the Northern Marianas.

Former Interim Deputy Foreign Minister to West Papua, Morris Kaloran has been appointed as the new United Liberation Movement for West Papua (ULMWP) Interim Special Envoy in Vanuatu.

Cook Islands national basketball rep, Keziah Lewis is the new Cook Islands Sports and National Olympic Committee (CISNOC) Secretary General. She is the second female since Rosie Blake to take on the role in the sporting organisation.

Fiji Television has appointed Sunjeewa Perera as its Chief Executive Officer. Perera joins Fiji TV having
previously been Chief Commercial Officer with Bluesky Samoa and Chief Marketing Officer with Vodafone Fiji.

Ana Mataiciwa
Ana Mataiciwa

Atin Chand has been appointed as the new Head of Treasury for the Fiji Ministry of Finance, Strategic Planning National Development and Statistics.

Alipati Tavite has been appointed as Tokelau’s new Ulu-o-Tokelau, or Head of Government. He replaces Kelihiano Kalolo.

American Samoa’s retired Colonel Leafaina Tavai has recently been inducted as the Chief of Staff into the Army Ordnance Hall of Fame.

BSP Financial Group Limited has appointed Stephen Charles Beach as a Director. Beach fills the vacancy left by the retirement of Arthur Sam.

Nauru Fisheries and Marine Resources Authority (NFMRA) CEO, Charleston Deiye has assumed the role of Chairman of the Forum Fisheries Committee. He succeeds Glen Joseph.

Finau Nagera is Fiji’s first woman Auditor-General for the next five years. She had previously been the former President of the Fiji Institute of Accountants.

Sunjeewa Perera

Samoan sailor Vaimo’oi’a Ripley has qualified to represent Samoa at the 2024 Olympics. Ripley will compete in the Women’s Single Dinghy ILCA 6 Sailboat division.

Marriott International Fiji Resorts has promoted Sera Cawanibuka-Seruvatu to Market Director of Marketing – Fiji and Samoa, overseeing seven Marriott properties.

Nauru President, David Adeang has accepted the letter of credence of Gerarda Braken, the new Ambassador-designate of the Netherlands to Nauru.

Graduate Women Fiji (GWF) has elected Rosalia Fatiaki as Council President for 2024-2026. Other elected
GWF council members are Mereoni Chung, Eleni Tabua, Maelin Bhagwan, Amrita Josu and Maryann Lockington.

The Archdiocese of Agana’s Apostolic Administrator, Rev Romeo Convocar has appointed Gregorio Calvo as Interim Administrator for the Catholic Cemeteries of Guam, Inc. Calvo replaces Owen Bollinger.

Anthony Macaranas is the Northern Marianas’ new Department of Public Safety Commissioner.

Anthony Macaranas

Jenny Grant-Currow has been appointed as Australia’s new Ambassador to the Federated States of Micronesia.

The Fiji Corrections Service has appointed Dr Jalesi Nakarawa as its new Commissioner.

Alefina Vuki has been appointed a member of Fiji’s Human Rights and Anti-Discrimination Commission for a term of three years.

Theophilus Thinnifel has been sworn in as the new Director of the Department of Health Services (DHS) in the State of Yap in Colonia.

Anna Mendiola has been sworn in as a member of the Federated States of Micronesia’s Compact Trust Fund Committee. She joins Emmanuel Mori and Renseley Sigrah on the Committee.

Fiji’s new High Commissioner to India is Jagnnath Sami. He has 40 years of experience in the sugar sector.

Peter William Graham has been appointed as the Cook Islands’ new Secretary of the Ministry of Justice for a term of three years, replacing Tamatoa Jonassen.

Carmelita Rabauliman Faisao has been reappointed to the Northern Marianas Technical Institute board of trustees for a four-year term.

In Papua New Guinea, Australian-born Judge Karen Carmody is a new Supreme Court and national judge. She has been appointed for a three-year term.

Papua New Guinea Institute of Directors has appointed Megan Andrew as its new Chief Executive Officer.

Former Fiji Foreign Minister, Ratu Inoke Kubuabola is Fiji’s new Non-Resident High Commissioner to Niue.

Bougainville Copper Limited has appointed David Osikore and Jonny Patterson as board members.

World Rugby and Ocean Rugby have appointed David Gibson as the new Regional Partnership Manager for Oceania. He has had an illustrious career on and off the field.

Special Awards

Fiji’s Vishal Prasad has been awarded the Global Citizen Prize for his efforts in campaigning for an advisory opinion from the International Court of Justice (ICJ) on climate change and human rights for Pacific Island people.

57-year-old Dr Alfred Minei from Manus Province received a PHD in Law, making him the first person to study a Doctor of Philosophy at the University of Papua New Guinea’s School of Law.

Sophia Ayano Saumer, a first-grade student at Guam’s Harvest Christian Academy, played the violin at the prestigious Carnegie Hall in New York City in April. Saumer won the gold medal in the 5–6-year age group at the 2024 International Young Musicians Festival and was invited to perform at the winners’ concert at Carnegie Hall.

In Memory

Fiji’s Social Democratic Liberal Party (SODELPA) senior member and former minister, Losena Tabanavau Salabula has passed away.

Former Editor and Head of Samoan Interpreter for the Samoa Observer, Fuimaono Naoia Fereti Tupua, has been laid to rest.

Samoan educator and leader, Melegalenu’u To’alepaiali’i Ah Sam of Waipapa Taumata Rau, University of Auckland died in April 2024.