Compact impact aid expiring this year but discussion remains in the air

Washington has completed its negotiations with the freely associated states, pledging the renewal of U.S. economic provisions under the Compacts of Free Association.  Palau, the Federated States of Micronesia and the

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American legal expert: Marshall Islands voters must approve Compact

In what amounts to a bombshell legal opinion, one of the top American constitutional law experts who also was the legal advisor to the Marshall Islands constitutional convention that wrote the nation’s constitution in

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Islands Business February 2023 edition

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Forum reunited, now to work

The next Secretary General of the Pacific Islands Forum, Baron Waqa says, “The Forum is still developing in its form, regionalism and all these plans to strengthen and unite members and I think what’s going on at

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Tide turns for West Papua

The recent visit to Fiji by West Papuan freedom fighter, Benny Wenda, signals a shift which may just end in a new member of the Melanesian Spearhead Group. Since 2011, Fiji has been Indonesia’s closest ally in the

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China Centre curiousity Questions are being asked about the mandate and work of the newly-launched China-Pacific Island Countries Center for Disaster Risk Reduction and Cooperation. Hosted in Jiangmen City, Guangdong

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PILNA identifies room for improvement

Pacific Island teachers are satisfied and proud of their work, but many of them have high stress levels. This is one of the newly-released findings of the Pacific Islands Literacy and Numeracy Assessment (PILNA) for

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Red Cross Leaders: Preparation is key to ensure no-one is left behind

It is no secret that the COVID-19 pandemic caused a health crisis throughout globally, but throughout this time, Pacific Islands have also been battling natural disasters, brought on by climate change. Recognising this,

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Calls for USP to return to glory days

Fiji Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Economy, Professor Biman Prasad, says he expects the University of the South Pacific to exercise its academic freedom and role as a regional leader now that relations have

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Can Washington fund its Pacific pledges?

“We have not been sufficiently engaged at a critical time in the Pacific islands. Not only do the Pacific islands face existential threats like climate change and economic dislocation, but clearly they’re being

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Probing political analysis needed for 2050 strategy

Work on the Pacific Islands Forum 2050 Strategy’s implementation and monitoring plan, and review of regional architecture, would have started after the Strategy was launched at the 51st Pacific Islands Forum Leaders

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Australia and NZ sending cyclone relief to Vanuatu

Australia and New Zealand are sending humanitarian supplies to Vanuatu after the nation was hit by two cyclones within days of each other. Foreign Affairs Minister Nanaia Mahuta announced the departure of a Royal New

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