Visa on arrival in PNG for Melanesian countries

Solomon Islands nationals and nationals of other Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG) countries can now get their visa on arrival when travelling to Papua New Guinea. This came after the PNG government formally declared the

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Tonga volcanic eruption reshaped Pacific seafloor

Scientists say they are stunned by what they’ve learnt about the ferocity of the Tonga volcanic eruption in January. When the underwater mountain blew its top, it sent ash and water-vapour half-way to space, and

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Fiji marks first Corporate Bond Offer under new regulations

Fijian Holdings Limited (FHL) last week opened a Wholesale Corporate Bond offer of F$30 million, stating it marks a major step forward in efforts to diversify the nation’s financial market. It is the first bond offer

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Pacific Media Institute to host communications and democracy summit in Majuro

The Marshall Islands’ capital, Majuro, will host a first-of-its-kind Pacific summit on communications and democracy next February. Conference organiser, the Pacific Media Institute (PMI), states the summit will

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