Critics decry ‘secrecy’ in sale of Fiji’s power utility
Why the rush and secrecy behind the sale of Fiji’s power utility?
This is the question on the lips of some commentators including politicians in Fiji as its government shuffles the papers to sell off 49 per cent of the currently 100 per cent state-owned Fiji Electricity Authority (FEA) now renamed Energy Fiji Ltd (EFL).
“There is a lot of confusion and a lack of clarity on the position of government with regard to the corporatisation or privatisation of FEA due to the lack of consultation with all relevant stakeholders including the landowners (resource owners),” said former Prime Minister now leader of the Social Democratic Liberal Party (SODELPA) Sitiveni Rabuka in a statement last month.
“Whilst I support the corporatisation and privatisation of government statutory bodies to become more efficient, effective and become self-financing in their respective operation, we must ensure that the process adopted is transparent and dialogue and consultation with all stakeholdPower Sale Blackout Critics decry ‘secrecy’ in sale of Fiji’s power utility By Dionisia Tabureguci ers undertaken to minimise any risk or future ramification on government’s overall budget. At the same time, the reform must be relevant and practical to meet the needs of the people rather than become an additional burden to government and result in higher costs to consumers. We must also be practical in the sequencing and timing of the corporatisation process,” he added.
The recently corporatised entity has been the subject of ongoing concerns among political parties and civil society groups who are not satisfied with the way it is being put to the market.
They believe crucial information that should be shared with the public have been intentionally withheld, needlessly creating a foggy picture of the divestment exercise.
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