Page 8 - IB December 2022
P. 8

Whispers                                                                                                                                                                  Whispers

          RSE scrutiny                      is in order on the differences between   some marriages are lasting just two
          In New Zealand, a report by Equal   imbibing the potent FSM and Vanuatu   weeks.  Minister Samiu Kuita Vaipulu
         Employment Opportunities Commis-   strains of kava versus Fiji’s more mellow   has told Parliament that the number of
         sioner, Saunoamaali’i Karanina Sumeo   brew.                          divorces had risen, citing court records
         into the Recognised Seasonal Employer                                 that show some couples split after their
         (RSE) scheme has prompted the coun-  Tonga’s lessons for science      marriages were registered with the
         try’s immigration minister to say he is   Scientists say the eruption of the   government but before receiving letters
         willing to meet some workers quoted   Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai undersea   of confirmation from Church ministers
         in the damning document. Minister   volcano off Tonga sent a massive plume   who conducted the weddings.  MPs have
         Michael Wood says he is “very open”   of water vapour into space. Presenting   also raised concerns over underage or
         to meeting the RSE workers, whose   at the American Geophysical Union,   child marriages, with 68 such weddings
         allegations are detailed in the the Hu-  they say it’s the first time they’ve   recorded in 2020/21.
         man Rights Commission investigation   observed a volcano launching water
         into the scheme. Saunoamaali’i said   beyond the atmosphere, some 149.6km   Toua’s ambitions, Coffa recognised
         every worker they spoke to said weekly   off earth’s surface. As much as four   Papua New Guinean wonder woman,
         deductions were too high, leaving some   million metric tonnes of water vapour   Dika Toua, is setting her sights on a sixth
         with as little as NZ$35 (US$22) at the   was sent into space says Larry Paxton,   Olympics appearance. The weightlifter
         end of each fortnight, or less than the   a scientist at Johns Hopkins University.   is training for the Paris 2024 Olympic
         minimum wage. Others were charged   A second scientist, Claire Gasque, at   Games, competing in Bogota at the
         for clothing and tools when they were   the University of California at Berkeley,   World Championships just before Christ-
         employees, not contractors. Some said   says the eruption also caused a current   mas. If she makes it to Paris, she will
         they had to buy meals from their em-  known as the equatorial electrojet,   be the first athlete, male or female, to
         ployer and were not permitted to cook   which normally runs west to east in the   compete in six Olympics. Toua told local
         for themselves. Inadequate housing in-  ionosphere, to reverse direction.  media she believes her best chance of
         cluded 2-7 workers sharing a bedroom,                                 qualifying is as Oceania’s highest placed
         workers sleeping in cold, damp and   Short-lived honeymoons           athlete in her categories. Meanwhile,
         sometimes mouldy accommodation,     Tonga’s wedding season has seen the   her coach, Melbourne-based Paul Coffa
         and paying exorbitant rent for that   country’s Minister of Justice reveal   has become the first coach to be induct-
         accommodation. “In one house, we
         observed 18 RSE workers sharing a five-
         bedroom house, each paying $150 per           Tweet of the month:
         week,” Saunoamaali’i observed. The
         Commission’s recommendations include
         allowing RSE workers to switch em-
         ployers without the permission of the
         employers they were leaving, clearer
         employment contracts, better enforce-
         ment through the labour inspectorate,
         limiting the deductions employers could
         take out of worker wages, and more
         transparency around salary deductions
         for healthcare.

          Kava chaos
          Pity Australian parliamentarian Mi-
         chael McCormack who needed medical
         assistance after downing a whole shell
         of sakau (kava) during a recent official
         visit to Federated States of Micronesia.
         Footage showed the former deputy
         prime minister with his head in his
         hands after drinking the sakau at FSM’s
         Congress, then being helped to a car.
         He later told Australian media that he
         was feeling much better and that he
         had drunk the shell out of respect for
         custom. Perhaps some extra briefing

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