Page 11 - IB December 2022
P. 11

Fiji                                                                                                   Fiji

        Fiji’s President Ratu Wiliame Katonivere receives the Writ of Elections from Electoral Commission Chair, Mukesh Nand. Photo: Fiji Government

        Nonetheless, the narrow margin of the votes (28 in favour   obvious challenges. We are hopeful that this sets a trend of
        of Rabuka as Prime Minister, 27 in favour of Bainimarama)   responsible and healthy debates amongst our newly chosen
        illustrates the challenges ahead for the Coalition government.  leaders.”
                                                              “For sixteen long years, the people have been intimidated,
         Celebration and catharsis                          harassed, divided, and frightened by a dictator. Today, we
         Exiting parliament after Rabuka’s ascension to the Prime   wake up to this joyous Christmas morning when Fiji is free
        Ministership, Voreqe Bainimarama thanked FijiFirst’s voters   at last,” said Unity Fiji leader, Savenaca Narube, continuing,
        and gesturing to the house said, “this is democracy, and this   “Unity Fiji believes that the experience from this election
        is my legacy, 2013 Constitution. The two parties in PAP and   gives us hope that the military coups and dictatorship are
        NFP, the supporters of those two parties wanted the change,   behind us, and Fiji can grow to be a model of truth, trust, and
        SODELPA has given them that change.”                happiness in the region.”
         Some days later, in his address to the nation, Prime Minister   To the end, there were attempts to create a sense of
        Sitiveni Rabuka referred to a “great and joyful awakening”   instability and fear in the country. Police Commissioner,
        post-election.                                      Sitiveni Qiliho issued a statement following alleged stoning
         Certainly, the result had a cathartic effect on some Fijians   incidents against Indo-Fijians, “calling for calm and… urging
        who took to social media to share what they described as   all Fijians to respect the political process following recent
        hardships inflicted by the previous government, from travel   political developments.” A later statement on December 22
        bans to fear of speaking your mind, to professionally ruinous   noted “minority groups who are now living in fear following
        prosecutions by the Fiji Independent Commission Against   recent political developments” and said that the army had
        Corruption.                                         been called in to assist police “with the maintenance of
         The NGO Coalition on Human Rights, which had a fraught   security and stability.”
        relationship with the previous government, acknowledged   The decision to call in the army to assist police appeared to
        “the upholding of democratic processes that have allowed the   prompt Acting Assistant Commissioner of Police, Abdul Khan to
        space for the parties to have discussions and make decisions   resign. At the time of writing, no evidence of stonings or other
        moving forward without fear and intimidation, despite the   violence has been provided by the police, with Prime Minister

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