Page 15 - IB December 2022
P. 15

People of the Year

                          GLOBAL SPORTS LEADER

                                          DR ROBIN MITCHELL

        By Samantha Magick

         The confirmation of Dr Robin Mitchell as President of the As-
        sociation of National Olympic Committees (ANOC) was a huge
        achievement not only for his homeland of Fiji and the island
        of Rotuma, but for the wider Pacific Islands region.
         A former hurdler and hockey player, Fiji team doctor and
        sports administrator of many years’ experience, Dr Mitchell
        had been acting ANOC President during the pandemic. He was
        unopposed when the position was put to the vote in Seoul at
        ANOC’s general assembly.
         ANOC is the umbrella organisation responsible for protect-
        ing and advancing the interests of the world’s 205 National
        Olympic Committees and promoting the Olympic Values world-
        wide. It has a US$500 million budget for 2022-2026.
         The complexities of managing this large and diverse
        membership were evident at the assembly, when controversy
        arose over the screening of a video by Russia National Olympic
        Committee President, Stanislav Pozdnyakov. The video showed
        footage filmed after the start of the war in Ukraine, prompt-
        ing his Danish counterpart to describe it as “inappropriate
        propaganda”, and walk out. At the time, Dr Mitchell said he
        didn’t see the video in advance.
         “When the issue of Ukraine came up, it was more of a
        European thing,” he told Islands Business. “For me, we have   Dr Robin Mitchell
        conflicts all over the place that haven’t been recognised,
        particularly in the Middle East and Africa. And we have other
        issues in our part of the world, with West Papua, and all of   Panamerican teams) and weightlifting.
        that. So I think, in the sense with the politics, because I come   “Weightlifting is probably a better chance. The target for
        from a small country, you can talk to anybody.”     most of the islands is to get in the top eight. Because in the
         Mitchell says his priority is to ensure National Olympic   top eight, you get medals, but you also get an Olympic diplo-
        Committees (NOCs) know and utilise the support available to   ma. And then of course if for some reason the gold medallist
        them, including Olympic Solidarity funds.           is from a country that gets a positive test, then you get move
         He says despite their small size, Pacific Islands NOCs are   up. Samoa has got a silver; they were the second country
        leading the way on issues of sustainability and the environ-  after Tonga to get a medal.”
        ment, gender parity and representation at management   Dr Mitchell’s new role involves lots of travel and many
        levels.                                             middle-of-the-night phone calls to other timezones. He says
         There has been a move to professionalise sports manage-  he doesn’t sleep much, tries to stay active (walking up and
        ment through the Oceania National Olympic Committee   down the four levels to IOC’s headquarters when he is there)
        (ONOC) which represents 17 Pacific Island members. When Dr   and tries not to eat too much. “Going to Beijing, I lost 10 kg
        Mitchell started out, they were mainly volunteers motivated   because I was going to run the torch relay, and you want to
        by the desire to give back to their sports. He says now there   make sure you finish the 100 metres and not collapse, and
        are training programs recognised by the Pacific Community   you’ve got all this gear on as well.”
        (SPC), and ONOC staff are doing the Executive Masters in   Dr Mitchell’s new role is more of a middle-distance event,
        Sports Management through the IOC, an idea they would like   but one which he has been training for his whole career.
        to replicate in the region in partnership with a tertiary institu-  As former Olympian Marcus Stephen, ONOC Executive
        tion such as the University of the South Pacific.   Member and President of the Nauru National Olympic Commit-
         In terms of sporting prospects, Dr Mitchell says he has been   tee (NNOC) said on the day of Dr Mitchell’s election, “this is a
        following the Pacific’s rugby teams, especially the women’s   big honour for Dr Mitchell and Oceania, a very proud day for
        sides. He sees potential in sevens rugby of course, but also   Oceania.”
        beach volleyball, soccer (although it is difficult to progress
        beyond Oceania because of the strength of the Asian and

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