Page 18 - IB December 2022
P. 18

CNMI                                                                                                                                                                                                          CNMI

 ISSUE: December 2022
 PAGE: 18-19
 BYLINE: By K-Andrea Evarose S. Limol (Variety News Staff)

 (Independent, Democratic gubernatorial tandems.jpg)

 (Republican gubernatorial tandem.jpg)

                 From left, Saipan Mayor David M. Apatang, Independent Lt. Gov. Arnold I. Palacios and Second Lady Wella S. Palacios pose for a photo with
                 Democratic gubernatorial candidates, Rep. Christina Marie E. Sablan and Rep. Leila Haveia F.C. Staffler. After finishing third in the three-way
                 gubernatorial race, Sablan and Staffler endorsed Palacios and Apatang, who will become the CNMI’s next governor and lt. governor. (Photo by
                 K-Andrea Evarose S. Limol)


                      GOVERNOR, LT. GOVERNOR

         By K-Andrea Evarose S. Limol (Variety News Staff)   humbled us with your votes of confidence. One by one, you
                                                             made your voices clear when you cast your ballots for new
          This January, the Northern Mariana Islands will welcome its   leadership in the House of Representatives, in the Senate,
         first independent governor and lieutenant governor, after a   and in the Executive Branch. Two weeks later, you humbled
         heated gubernatorial runoff election between Governor Ralph   us again in the runoff election when we became your Gover-
         DLG Torres and his former running mate, Lieutenant Governor   nor-Elect and Lieutenant Governor-Elect,” the independent
         Arnold I. Palacios.                                 tandem said after their victory.
          Palacios, a former Republican, ran as an Independent with   They added, “We are ready to answer the call of our people
         Saipan Mayor David M. Apatang, while Torres ran as an incum-  and we will honour the trust you bestowed upon us. Now the
         bent Republican with Senate Floor Leader Vinson F. Sablan. In   real work begins. Just as we needed your vote on Election
         the previous two gubernatorial runoff elections in 2009 and   Day, we need your voice and your service to our community
         2014, the incumbent governor won.                   these next four years. In the weeks ahead, our team will work
          Running on the platform of “rebuilding trust” in the local   with the current administration to ensure a smooth transition
         government, the Independents defeated their opponents by   that will enable us to hit the ground running when we take
         1,118 votes, or roughly 8.25% of the total ballots cast. The re-  office on January 9, 2023.
         maining absentee ballots were counted by the Commonwealth   “We humbly ask the people in our Commonwealth to
         Election Commission on Friday, December 9.          join us. We’ve seen what happens when we work together.
          “On November 8, the people of our great Commonwealth   Every house needs a solid foundation, and the bedrock of

        18 Islands Business, December 2022
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