Page 16 - IB December 2022
P. 16
People of the Year People of the Year
By Samantha Magick and Netani Rika Nuclear Commission last December to show her commitment.
Moss-Christian hopes to bring some creativity to the posi-
The three key Pacific Islands fisheries organisations head tion.
into 2023 with competent, charismatic women at the helm. She joins two other powerful Pacific women at the forefront
Rhea Moss-Christian of the Republic of the Marshall Islands of the industry. Leading the Parties to the Nauru Agreement
now heads the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commis- (PNA)—an eight-nation alliance managing the world’s largest
sion, replacing Feleti Teo of Tuvalu. purse seine fishery—is Dr Sangaalofa Clark of Kiribati.
The Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission And Dr Manu Tupou-Roosen of Tonga is Director-General of
(WCPFC), also known as the Pacific Tuna Commission, manages the Solomon Islands based Forum Fisheries Agency (FFA).
the world’s largest and most lucrative tuna fishing grounds, They have worked well together in the past and share
producing up to 60% of the world’s tuna, worth over US$3 bil- mutual admiration for each other’s work and experience, so
lion annually. should have no problems finding ways forward on shared areas
Soon after her election, Moss-Christian told reporters, “I of concern such as the safety of crew and observers on fishing
started working in fisheries when I was 22 years old. I am 48 vessels, and illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing.
now. And I have had a couple of breaks in my career, but they Clark, Roosen and Moss-Christian have been described as
never lasted very long. I’ve always, I think, just been pulled exceptional leaders with immense technical knowledge and
into this work. Because it doesn’t feel like work because I love experience in a highly technical industry.
it so much.” Most importantly, however, the women are confident of
She said she had been preparing to take on the role for each other.
some time, stepping down from the [Marshall Islands] National “I’m so proud of all our women and all our people,” Roosen
16 Islands Business, December 2022