Page 5 - IB December 2022
P. 5

Managing Director / Publisher  A NOTE FROM THE EDITOR
                   Netani Rika

                 Managing Editor           The end of 2022 saw important elections in two parts of our region, Fiji and the
                 Samantha Magick           Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands. The results in both jurisdictions were
                                           historic. In Fiji, Sitiveni Rabuka has returned as Prime Minister, leading a coalition
                                           government,  while  in  CNMI,  independent  candidates  have  prevailed  for  the  first
                                           time, with the victory of Arnold I. Palacios and his running mate David M. Apatang.
                   Designer                The economic and social impacts of the pandemic mean these new, and all Pacific
                                           Islands leaders, will face major challenges in 2023. As always, we will be following
                   Dick Lee
                                           developments closely, but for now, you can read how these elections played out in
                                           this issue.
                K-Andrea Evarose S. Limol
                                           You will also find features on our Pacific People of the Year. They include sports and
                  Nic Maclellan
                                           Olympics  administrator,  Fiji’s  Dr  Robin  Mitchell,  and  a  powerful  band  of  women
                   Vijay Naidu             leading the region’s fisheries organisations, both in board and negotiating rooms, and
                  Alipate Pareti           on the water. While no one individual Pacific Islander stood out for their international
                   Kite Pareti             impact, we recognise the contribution these regional leaders have made to these
                   Netani Rika             sectors that are so important to our economic and social well-being.
                 Dionisia Tabureguci
                 Kaliopate Tavola          With plans to discharge more than 1.2 million tonnes of radioactive cooling water
               Sera Tikotikovatu-Sefeti    into the Pacific Ocean from the Fukushima nuclear plant in Japan in early 2023, we
                                           report on concerns from the fishing sector, and of an expert panel of scientists in
                                           this issue. This will continue to be a contentious issue for the region, and chartering
                                           international efforts to resolve it will be a priority of our coverage this coming year.

                                           And this month we meet Jerrard ‘Jay’ Hekau, who is bringing insights into life in Niue
           Islands Business is published monthly by
               Front Page Pte Limited      to the world via his YouTube channel, ‘Life on the Rock’. His clips show his family’s
              Editorial & Advertising Offices  ordinary activities of fishing, farming and sharing meals in a warm and engaging way,
            GPO Box 12718, Suva, Fiji Islands.  connecting Niueans, other Pacific Islanders and people all over the world.
                 Tel: +679 9719660
                                           Connection is at the heart of what Islands Business is about. Thank you to our readers,
                    Emails                 subscribers and advertisers who have supported us throughout 2022. It was a difficult
           Editorial:  year and we appreciate the faith you continue to put in us. We hope that 2023 brings
          Subscriptions:  all of us better times.

               PrintHouse, Suva, Fiji.

                  February 2022 FJD $8

                                May-June 2022 FJD $8

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                                                                                           Islands Business, December 2022  5
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