Page 4 - IB December 2022
P. 4

December 2022 Vol 48 No 12


                        10                    15                             18                         27

         5   Editor’s Note                                   18  CNMI elects first independent Governor, Lt.
         6   Briefs                                              Governor
         8   Whispers                                        22  Fijian fish workers in foreign owned fishing

         COVER STORY: FIJI’S ELECTION                        23   Fukushima and fish
         10  Fiji votes for change                           27  Scientists challenge Japan ocean dumping plan
         14   We’re not here to form opinions: MOG           30  Korea-Pacific Islands relations step-up

                                                             35  Ovalau agro PV project a model for Fiji
         People of the Year                                  36  Turning the camera on life on the rock
         15   Dr Robin Mitchell: Global sports leader        44  Movers and Shakers
         16  Women at the helm

                                             Cover image: Saeed Khan/AFP

           American Samoa ............US$10.00   French Polynesia .............. CPF500  New Caledonia ................ CPF500  Samoa ............................T12.00
               Australia ....................... AU$6.00
                                       French Polynesia .............. CPF500
                                                               New Zealand .................NZ$10.00
                                                                                         Solomon Islands ............. SL$30.00
           Australia ......................AU$10.00  Guam..........................US$10.00  New Caledonia ................ CPF500  Samoa ............................T10.00
                                       Hawaii ......................... US$6.00
               Cook Islands ................... NZ$6.00
                                                               Niue ...........................NZ$10.00
                                                                                         Tonga .............................P10.00
           CNMI ..........................US$10.00  Hawaii ........................US$10.00  New Zealand .................. NZ$6.00  Solomon Islands ............. SL$20.00
               Federated States of Micronesia ......
                                       Kiribati ......................... AU$6.00
                                                                                         Tuvalu .........................AU$10.00
           Cook Islands ..................NZ$10.00  Kiribati ........................AU$10.00  Niue ............................ NZ$6.00  Tonga .............................P10.00
                                                               Palau ..........................US$10.00
                                       Marshall Islands .............. US$6.00
                                                                                         Vanuatu ........................ Vatu500
                                                               Papua New Guinea .............K15.00
           FSM ............................US$10.00  Marshall Islands .............US$10.00  Palau ........................... US$6.00  Tuvalu .......................... AU$6.00
               Fiji Islands.......................F$4.35
                                       Nauru .......................... AU$6.00
           Fiji Islands.......................F$8.00  Nauru .........................AU$10.00  Papua New Guinea .............K10.00  Vanuatu ........................ Vatu500
        4 Islands Business, December 2022
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