Talks focus on regional water issues

CLOSE to 200 participants from across the Pacific have gathered in Tonga for the 9th Pacific Water Conference and Expo 2016 and the annual Water Ministers Meeting. The Tonga Water Board-hosted meeting, from August 9-12, has Our Water, Our People as its theme.

“The meeting will be an opportunity for the Pacific water services sector to network, engage and collaborate with leaders and experts from around the region and the world”, said Saimone Helu, chief executive officer for Tonga Water Board. “Some 30 exhibitors including Hunter H2O from Australia, Hydroflow and Strongcast from New Zealand, Tubemakers and For Earth from Fiji are among the industry suppliers, who are participating with theme-related displays.

The Pacific Ministerial will be the second meeting of regional Water Minsters – the first having been hosted by Papua New Guinea last year. “This year’s agenda is expected to pave the way for an achievement of SDG 6 and Access to Water and Sanitation for all in the Pacific, in addition to charting out ways the Pacific Water and Waste Water Association can better serve the region in coordinating efforts for public and private partnerships in related efforts”, said PWWA executive officer Latu Kupa.

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Talks focus on regional water issues

CLOSE to 200 participants from across the Pacific have gathered in Tonga for the 9th Pacific Water Conference and Expo 2016 and the annual Water Ministers Meeting. The Tonga Water Board-hosted meeting, from August 9-12, has Our Water, Our People as its theme.

“The meeting will be an opportunity for the Pacific water services sector to network, engage and collaborate with leaders and experts from around the region and the world”, said Saimone Helu, chief executive officer for Tonga Water Board. “Some 30 exhibitors including Hunter H2O from Australia, Hydroflow and Strongcast from New Zealand, Tubemakers and For Earth from Fiji are among the industry suppliers, who are participating with theme-related displays.

The Pacific Ministerial will be the second meeting of regional Water Minsters – the first having been hosted by Papua New Guinea last year. “This year’s agenda is expected to pave the way for an achievement of SDG 6 and Access to Water and Sanitation for all in the Pacific, in addition to charting out ways the Pacific Water and Waste Water Association can better serve the region in coordinating efforts for public and private partnerships in related efforts”, said PWWA executive officer Latu Kupa.

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