West Papuans still inspired by the heritage of Arnold Ap

In 1969, Indonesia annexed the western half of the island of New Guinea, through the so-called Act of Free Choice. As Indonesian authorities began to expand legal systems and education in Bahasa Indonesia, a generation

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Opinion: Question for PNG foreign minister Tkatchenko – what does the defence pact mean for West Papua?

Papua New Guinea and Indonesia have formally ratified a defence agreement a decade after its initial signing.  PNG’s Foreign Minister Justin Tkatchenko and the Indonesian ambassador to the Pacific nation,

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“We are facing Goliath” – West Papuan church leaders call for solidarity

“We are facing Goliath, or even the Pharaoh,” says West Papua church leader Rode Wanimbo, “but we still have to speak out strong.” Wanimbo is coordinator of the Women’s Department of the Evangelical Christian

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Pacific Conference of Churches begins Assembly in Noumea

A fortnight after the Pacific Islands Forum brought political leaders to Rarotonga, Cook Islands, church leaders from across the region are gathering in New Caledonia, to attend the 12th General Assembly of the Pacific

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MSG meeting in Rarotonga appoints special envoy on West Papua

Meeting in Rarotonga in the lead up to the 52nd Pacific Islands Forum, the Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG) has agreed to appoint a special envoy to engage in talks with Indonesia on the issue of West Papua. Following a

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Indonesia cancels West Papua rights meeting with Melanesian nations, delegate says

Indonesia cancelled a regional meeting this week on the human rights situation in its Papuan provinces on the grounds that the leaders of Melanesian nations weren’t attending it, a member of Papua New Guinea’s

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Indonesia’s MSG bid on back burner: PM Marape

A one-year moratorium has been placed on Indonesia’s application to join the Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG). Prime Minister James Marape said this was so that Pacific Island Forum could address the West Papua issue

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West Papua high on agenda as MSG leaders set to convene in Port Vila

The Pacific region’s focus will shift briefly to Port Vila this week when Vanuatu hosts the heads of governments from Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands and the leader of the FLNKS of New Caledonia for the

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Port Moresby suppresses West Papua flag raising ahead of Indonesian president’s visit

Authorities in Papua New Guinea have clamped down on displays of the West Papuan independence flag ahead of the Indonesian president’s visit to the Pacific island country this week. Papua New Guinea, which has a

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West Papuan provisional government backs full membership of MSG

The self-styled provisional government of the United Liberation Movement of West Papua “with the people” of the Melanesian region have declared political support for full West Papuan membership of the Melanesian

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Indonesia recovers bodies of 4 troops killed in Papua clash

Indonesian security forces recovered the bodies of four government soldiers who were killed in a separatist attack while searching for a New Zealand pilot taken hostage by the rebels in Indonesia’s restive Papua

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Papuan rebels holding NZ pilot prepared to drop key demand

Separatist rebels in Indonesia’s Papua region who are holding a New Zealand pilot hostage are prepared to drop a demand that Jakarta recognise the independence of the area before they could consider freeing him, a

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