US scores overdue increase in bigeye tuna catch limit, while American Samoa struggles to sustain its local tuna economy

The 20th Regular Session of the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC) was held December 4-8, 2023, in Rarotonga, Cook Islands. The primary focus at this meeting was revising the conservation and

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Urgent calls for proactive measures at WCPFC to safeguard future of Pacific fisheries

The 20th session of the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission currently meeting in Rarotonga, Cook Islands must put in measures that would ensure the sustainability of our fisheries, says WWF Western and

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Pacific fisheries observers deployment to resume in January 2023

The Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC) said that it will lift the moratorium on the fisheries observer coverage in the region by January 2023. In a Circular Memo in June, WCPFC stated that the

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PNG rejects observer suspension on fishing vessels

The Papua New Guinea Fishing Industry Association (PNGFIA) has rejected the recent suspension by the Western and Central Pacific Fishing Commission (WCPFC) of observer coverage services on board purse seine fishing

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Small states push for climate change resolution at fisheries meet

By NETANI RIKA in Port Moresby THE world has gathered in Madrid, Spain to discuss the existential threat which climate change presents to the environment through rising temperatures and melting ice. Halfway across the

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Climate change worry for Tuvalu tuna

By NETANI RIKA in Port Moresby CLIMATE change threatens Tuvalu’s national survival through direct impact on tuna stocks. The small atoll state told members of the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission that

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