Vanuatu steps up

GOVERNMENT and Opposition have both been on winning streaks in Vanuatu this month. And they have been appropriately complimented by Head of State Baldwin Lonsdale. In his attempt to open the First Ordinary Sitting of

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Vanuatu revival time

Ready for business after repairs VANUATU is back on line after two major disasters – Category Five Cyclone Pam in 2015 and the closure of the runway at its international airport early this year. Cyclone Pam took

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New players, old lessons

VANUATU saw out 2015 on a high note as a model of the Westminster system. The separation of powers worked well and the checks and balances were all in place. Fourteen Members of Parliament out of a total of 52 were in

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Vanuatu – standing above the rest

ONE of the Pacific’s smaller island states, Vanuatu stands taller than the larger nations with its consistent, principled stand on social justice, parliamentary democracy and corruption. Where other countries have

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Time’s up for Kilman?

FOURTEEN prime ministers in 15 years of independence, with no government serving for more than 13 months since 2012, the only predictable thing about Vanuatu politics is that no government or PM lasts. Some observers

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Deaths and no water

TWO small children have died of malnutrition in Tanna, there are seven deaths of children under 12 in Santo that may be linked to the drought and no water is available during the day in Luganville. Those are some of the

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Bribery case rocks Vanuatu

POLITICIANS FACE TRIAL THE people of Vanuatu are closely watching a high profile bribery case which involves 19 Government Members of Parliament in the country’s Supreme Court. On August 12 before a packed

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Underground project heats up in Vanuatu

Renewable, clean energy for islands Unlike most of the island of Efate in Vanuatu, Takara is flat, sparsely vegetated and frankly boring to the eye. About 50-minutes north east from the capital, Port Vila, it was an

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Three rapes a week in Vanuatu cause uproar

Women condemn police reaction The spectre of rape has clouded the halo of happiness in Vanuatu in recent months and led to robust debate about women’s place in society. Late in June police issued a media release

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Coastal flooding to threaten Vanuatu

Technology predicts catastrophe More than 3000 people displaced by coastal flooding and large sections of Vanuatu’s two main towns inundated is the catastrophic scenario predicted by the end of the century.

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Deadly Lusi claims 11 lives in Vanuatu

Vanuatu is still reeling from monster cyclone Lusi that took at least eleven lives and caused millions of dollars in damage to gardens and properties early March. Yet in this rare instance, the cyclonic winds were not

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Dual citizenship

Govt hopes to raise over US$98m The creation of dual citizenship in Vanuatu through constitutional change has created two fiercely opposing camps in a debate that refuses to die. In one corner are the purists, led by

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