Expired booster vaccines administered in Niue

A total of 51 people in Niue who took their booster vaccines on Tuesday last week have been informed that the vaccine used was expired, according to a government statement. Director General of Health and Social

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Australia’s vaccine diplomacy in Pacific islands wards off Beijing: Morrison

Australia has been able to stop an “incursion” by Beijing into the Pacific islands by talking with leaders there weekly and offering vaccine aid, Prime Minister Scott Morrison

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Vanuatu receives Sinopharm doses

Vanuatu has officially received the 20,000 doses of Sinopharm COVID-19 vaccine and 22,400 syringes from the Chinese Government Monday. China’s Sinopharm was the second vaccine to arrive in Port Vila, a month after

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ADB predicts modest growth for Pacific economies this year

The Asian Development Bank expects Pacific Island economies to return to positive growth this year, although at different rates, and with a great deal riding on successful vaccine roll-outs. Pacific economies contracted

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Opinion: The road to a Pacific Island economic recovery requires regional solutions

A step up in engagement by the Australian and New Zealand governments, combined with regional and international economic support over the past year, has cushioned the initial blow of Covid-19.  Moving forward,

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Pacific countries will access future COVID-19 vaccine through funding mechanism

Pacific island countries will be able to access a future COVID-19 vaccine through a new funding mechanism announced by Gavi, The Vaccine Alliance, at the Global Vaccine Summit last week. Fiji, Kiribati, Federated States

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