FNPF ponders telco investment

An invitation by Amalgamated Telecom Holdings(ATH) to existing shareholders to buy up more shares is still being considered by the Fiji National Provident Fund (FNPF). FNPF is the major shareholder, owning around 72% of

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ATH offering shares to pay down debt

Shareholders in Fiji’s biggest telecom conglomerate are being offered more shares for cash. Amalgamated Telecom Holdings (ATH), which owns all major telecom carriers in Fiji except Digicel Fiji, is listed on the South

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Strong interest in Port Denarau Mariana IPO

There has been an overwhelming response to the Initial Public Offering  (IPO) of Port Denarau Marina Ltd  currently open in Fiji. The IPO, which closes on Tuesday, sees 20 percent of the company, an equivalent

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