Closing the gender gap in the Pacific

IB’s Status of Women in the Pacific Report As the world celebrates International Women’s Day on 8th March, at least two Pacific countries have not ratified the popular instrument dedicated to eliminate any form of

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Some gains, some losses on women in the Pacific

WOMEN including girls in the Pacific still got some way to go to improving their status in the islands although a lot of gains have been achieved especially in the area of education and health for some of the countries

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Vocational education boosts hospitality and fashion jobs

Without formal qualifications, Pacific Island workers can find themselves stalled on the career ladder. When work demands make it near impossible to study and attain qualifications – and the costs and

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Affordability raises tertiary student numbers

Affordability of university education in terms of fees and easy access are a key objective of three universities in the Pacific. Already, all three universities based in Fiji – the Fiji National University

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