Inflation, interest rates cloud post-pandemic Pacific growth: World Bank

The resumption of tourism, higher public investment and construction have fuelled the Pacific region’s economic recovery from COVID-19 but a combination of persistently high imported inflation and interest rate hikes

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Pacific Islands Economic Outlook 2023

After two long years of COVID-19 and the tourniquet it applied to the lifeblood of Pacific economies— connectivity and tourism — what can our region expect in 2023? The United Nations predicts the global economy

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Opinion: Assessing Remittances Potential to Build Climate Resilience in the Pacific

While contributing very little to global warming, Pacific Island nations are among the most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, already experiencing extreme climate-induced disasters such as tropical cyclones.

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Pacific islands: Economic outlook

COVID-19 continues to wreak havoc on the region’s economies- but what is the Pacific islands’ economic outlook for the remainder 2021? ANZ economists Kishti Sen & Tom Kenny have this overview. The

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Keeping the bank door open for Pacific peoples

Now is the time for New Zealand banks to act with courage to keep providing banking services, including money remittances, to the Pacific Islands open. The scale and complexity of the challenges facing Pacific Island

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