PICTA in the slow lane

My article published in this magazine in June 2021 was entitled ‘Fast-tracking PICTA’. This was a reference to the Pacific Island Countries Trade Agreement, a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) intended for the Pacific

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Inclusivity is expedient for PACER Plus

I wrote: ‘Re-Negotiated PACER Plus for Post-Covid-19 Pacific Regionalism’ for the July 2020 Island Business issue. This was pitched particularly at strengthening Pacific regionalism (Pacific Islands Forum) as a

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Fast-tracking PICTA

By Ambassador Kaliopate Tavola The Pacific Island Countries Trade Agreement (PICTA), having acquired ratification by signatory Pacific Island Countries (PICs), came into force in 2003. However, some 18 years later, the

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Fast-tracking PICTA

The Pacific Island Countries Trade Agreement (PICTA), having acquired ratification by signatory Pacific Island Countries (PICs), came into force in 2003. However, some 18 years later, the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) is

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Delving into PICTA

In the last issue of Islands Business, I discussed the abysmal state of the Pacific Island Countries Trade Agreement (PICTA) and concluded that there was indifference in the way signatory countries have regarded and

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PICTA: Picture of indifference

PICTA stands for Pacific Island Countries Trade Agreement. It is a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) negotiated amongst the Pacific Island Countries (PICs) to free up trade amongst themselves, under the provisions of ‘GATT

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