USP problems fester behind veil of silence

One month after the University of the South Pacific’s (USP) Council voted to move controversial Vice Chancellor, Professor Pal Ahluwalia from Samoa to Fiji, the University’s two unions are demanding Ahluwalia’s

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Calls for USP to return to glory days

Fiji Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Economy, Professor Biman Prasad, says he expects the University of the South Pacific to exercise its academic freedom and role as a regional leader now that relations have

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USP welcomes home Vice Chancellor with prayers, standing ovations…and soon, FJ$10million

The two-year exile of the University of the South Pacific’s Vice Chancellor, Professor Pal Ahluwalia from the university’s Suva campus ended with a thanksgiving ceremony last night. Professor Ahluwalia told regional

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Students welcome VC’s return to University of the South Pacific

University of the South Pacific Vice-Chancellor and President, Professor Pal Ahluwalia resumes his role leading the regional university today. Professor Ahluwalia, who was reappointed to the role following his

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Can USP survive its latest troubles?

Will Fiji emerge victorious in the prolonged leadership dispute at the regional university it co-owns with eleven other Pacific island nations? This was the question many were asking after the February 16 meeting of the

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USP Council disappointed over circumstances of Pal’s deportation

The University of the South Pacific Council has issued a statement expressing its disappointment over the fact it was not advised of the decision to deport USP Vice Chancellor, Professor Pal Ahluwalia, this week. “The

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USP boss enroute to Nauru, says deportation was a surreal experience

University Vice Chancellor Professor Pal Ahluwalia and his wife Sandra Price are overnighting in a hotel in Brisbane, Australia this evening, and will be travelling onto Nauru early tomorrow. Professor Ahluwalia says he

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The USP saga: What’s next? Why it matters.

When University of the South Pacific Vice Chancellor and President, Professor Pal Ahluwalia walked back onto USP’s Suva campus on June 22, he was accompanied by songs of celebration from staff and students who lined

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USP student across the region protest, police on Fiji campus

A “support good governance” protest organised by the University of the South Pacific Student Association today with the theme “wear blue” is now underway in a number of campuses around the region with the

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Executive Committee suspends Pal, launches investigation

The Executive Committee of the University of the South Pacific’s Council has resolved that an independent investigation into the allegations against Vice Chancellor Professor Pal Ahluwalia be conducted. In a media

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Staff back Pal

A fresh protest at the University of the South Pacific’s Laucala Bay Campus in Suva was quickly stopped by Police Tuesday when protesters were told they had to apply for a permit. The protesters – angry at

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Thompson calls urgent USP meeting over CEO sacking

The year-long leadership tussle at the sole Pacific owned university has flared again with reports of fresh attempts to dismiss besieged vice chancellor and president of the University of the South

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