Pacific goes head to head at WTO

By Samisoni Pareti Bruised and battered from the grueling negotiations at the COP26 climate talks in Glasgow this month, six Pacific island nations are now steeling themselves for another battle. This time they are

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France boosts police and military before New Caledonia vote By Nic Maclellan As New Caledonia moves towards a referendum on self-determination on 12 December, France is deploying new police and military forces to the

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Movers and Shakers

The Tui Macuata, Ratu Wiliame Maivalili Katonivere has been sworn in as the new President of Fiji. He becomes the sixth President since Fiji gained independence. Ratu Wiliame, 57 was installed as the Tui Macuata and

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Islands Business November 2021 edition

Islands Business November Issue

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View from the West

By Dennis Rounds One thing is certain about living in Fiji’s western and northern farmlands and having to rely on wells and boreholes for water needs. When there’s a hole in the bucket, Dear Henry now knows all too

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COP26 Cop out?

Making Glasgow matter Build back better. Blah, blah, blah. Green economy. Blah, blah, blah. Net-zero by 2050. Blah, blah, blah. This is all we hear from our so-called leaders. Words that sound great but so far have not

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Listen to the women

The unheard voices at every COP meeting By Netani Rika Across the world, advocates press for the voices of women to be heard at COP26 in Edinburgh, Scotland. For after decades of talks on climate change and despite the

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Youth driving climate ambition

By Ernest Gibson For the first time since the pandemic took hold in March 2020, more than 350 young people from all regions of the world convened in a single space. The Youth4Climate event, hosted in Milano, Italy was

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Insuring against disasters

As November nears, the thoughts of many Pacific islanders turn to preparations for the South Pacific cyclone season. Are there matches and candles, batteries and bottled water in the house? Are the hurricane shutters in

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Catalysing Tuvalu’s ICT ambitions

By Dionisia Tabureguci A five-year agreement signed last year between the Tuvalu Government and satellite service provider Kacific Broadband Satellites International Limited (Kacific) came at critical juncture for the

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Refugee processing in PNG to end

By Nic Maclellan Australia and Papua New Guinea have announced the closure of Canberra’s offshore refugee processing program by the end of this year, leaving responsibility for the remaining asylum seekers and

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Pacific Ports: Climate and COVID

More than 90% of trade commodities come to Pacific Island countries and territories by sea; with imports dominated by fuel, industrial, commercial machinery and other natural resources. But over the last two years the

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