Pacific Islands welcome development partnerships amid rising regional tensions

Cook Islands Prime Minister and Forum Chair Mark Brown has emphasised the importance of collaborative efforts with various development partners in supporting Pacific Island countries.  Speaking last week in Tokyo, PM

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One Pacific, One Voice, One Point Five

From 31 October to 12 November 2021 the Twenty-Sixth Conference of the Parties was held in Glasgow, UK. The Pacific islands region worked together as a united collective voice as one Pacific in our endeavour for a 1.5

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Tributes and warnings on World Press Freedom Day

The Pacific Islands News Association has paid tribute to media workers covering the COVID-19 pandemic, recognising their commitment and the “great sacrifice” they have made.           

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2021: The diagnosis

After an incredibly challenging 2020, what will this year bring? We take a look at the economic and political prognosis and a few key sectors. Vaccinating for recovery Timely vaccination campaigns will be key to the

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Reimagining Pacific regionalism

A rare conjunction of events is emerging. The events are both directional and prescriptive. The conjunction’s rarity is evocative. The conjunction provides an opportunity for Pacific regionalism (or the Pacific

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Pacific travel bubble should be “cautious and incremental”: SPTO

A new report on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Pacific’s tourism industry and recovery strategies has recommended immediate wage support, microgrants to industry operators and changes in the tax regimes as

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Building together: Civil society a key partner in delivering Pacific infrastructure

Building quality infrastructure in the Pacific means going beyond a narrow focus on hard assets, to thinking about the ways that new infrastructure, and accompanying services, will contribute to lasting development

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Israel wants Pacific’s backing at ‘biased’ UN rights council

Times of Israel/Pacnews:  Israel’s President Reuven Rivlin has told Pacific Island leaders in Fiji that he hopes they will stand with Israel against what he claims is a strong anti-Israel bias on the United

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Israel’s President to meet Pacific leaders in Fiji next week

Pacific leaders will meet Israel’s President, Reuven Rivlin, in Fiji on 20 February, 2020. Israel’s Ambassador to the Pacific, Tibor Schlosser has told Pacnews that the visit builds on the deep relations Israel

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METHAMPHETAMINE has raised the red flag higher as more raids and discoveries take place in the hub of the Pacific. Border control agencies and police fear the islands are not only a transit point but also a

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‘Macron-ising’ the Pacific

As French President Emmanuel Macron visited Australia and New Caledonia in May, France consolidated its standing across the Pacific. President Macron strengthened defence ties with the Turnbull Government, reinforced

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