Islands Business January 2022 edition

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China is the superpower to watch

FIVE countries and one region are going to the polls this year to get a fresh and new mandate from their electorate, and while this will no doubt provide interesting results, the trend to watch though in 2019 may be

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What’s ahead : O’Neill’s to-do list

PETER O’Neill as Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea should expect a full on year in 2016, having starved off for now attempts to haul him before the country’s leadership tribunal, or force him out of office

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What’s ahead

O’Neill’s to-do list PETER O’Neill as Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea should expect a full on year in 2016, having starved off for now attempts to haul him before the country’s leadership

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Manasseh Sogavare still head of the pack

WITH a party revolt and threats of confidence motion keeping him occupied for the best of 2015, it looks like Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare will spend 2016 doing the same thing, keeping ahead of the rest and

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Time’s up for Kilman?

FOURTEEN prime ministers in 15 years of independence, with no government serving for more than 13 months since 2012, the only predictable thing about Vanuatu politics is that no government or PM lasts. Some observers

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Economic growth forecast despite stagnant political climate.

THE Fijian economy is expected to grow this year while the political climate, barring any traumatic upheavals, will remain largely stagnant and unchanged. According to the Asian Development Bank’s Pacific Economic

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WHO’S NEXT: Search for a new leader

THE Anote Tong era will come to an end at the start of 2016, as parliamentary elections in December paves the way for the election of a successor to the I Kiribati leader who has served his maximum 12 years at the helm

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Slow growth expected

NAURU’S economic growth is expected to slow down this year with the country heavily reliant on revenue derived from finite and uncertain sources. The country is largely dependent on revenue from the Australian

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Tuna vital to Cook Islands future

EXPECT tuna to be the main focus as the Cook Islands Government of Henry Puna seeks to consolidate support from the electorate half way through its term. But it won’t be an easy ride with Opposition Member of

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Small kingdom, BIG risk

WITH an extremely thin export base, Tonga’s economy is heavily reliant on agriculture and fisheries. Expect little change to the economy in 2016 as Prime Minister ‘Akilisi Pohiva struggles to maintain power

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Development and consolidation crucial for Sopoaga

AFTER the 2015 general elections returned him to power, Enele Sopoaga is expected to spend the year pursuing development strategies and projects. Climate change negotiations and devastations caused by Cyclone Pam last

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