Moetai Brotherson seeks presidency in French Polynesia

Moetai Brotherson of the independence party Tavini Huira’atira no Te Ao Ma’ohi has announced he will run for the Presidency of French Polynesia. The post is currently held by President Edouard Fritch of the Tapura

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French nuclear tests: ‘I bury people nearly every day, what was our sin?’

The day began with a video, showing a disparate collection of arresting images – the drowned Greenpeace photographer Fernando Pereira, camera in hand and a huge smile on his face. Mugshots of two captured French DGSE

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French Prosecutor pursues Temaru

In French Polynesia, long-time independence leader Oscar Manutahi Temaru is again locked in battle with the French legal system. Last month, Temaru launched a two-week hunger strike, in protest over the seizure of his

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