Opinion: 2024 Australian aid spending and effectiveness update

Australian Foreign aid was increased by 4% over what had been projected last year to bring the 2024-25 aid budget to $4.961 billion, virtually unchanged from the (inflation-adjusted) 2023-24 level of $4.900 billion. The

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Opinion: The big dry: Marshallese scramble for water sources

For over 50 days from the end of February to the second week of April, El Niño took its toll on Majuro, the capital of the Marshall Islands.  During that period, only trace rainfall was recorded. A large number of the

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Opinion: Australia’s superannuation rules leave Pacific workers out of pocket

The government must reconsider its tax on the Pacific’s poorest. More than 40,000 Pacific Islanders working in Australia are being unfairly taxed on superannuation contributions – enforced savings payments that they

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Opinion: Fixing the plastics problem when delivering urgent aid

Coping with climate change is hard enough. Sustainability cannot be overlooked in humanitarian action across the Pacific.  In March last year, twin cyclones – Tropical Cyclones Judy and Kevin – ravaged Vanuatu.

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Opinion: The Climate Crises & High Debt-Levels in the Pacific: Who will pay?

As Fiji and neighbouring Pacific Island Countries face the daunting prospect of dealing with unprecedented national debt levels and the effects of climate change, the issue of how climate action will be financed becomes

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Opinion: What’s wrong with Vanuatu’s proposed party laws?

Vanuatu is holding its first ever referendum on 29th May on two constitutional amendments designed to lessen instability on the floor of parliament. The first amendment (17A) intends to tie members of parliament (MPs)

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Opinion: The falling demand of seasonal workers

Evidence over nine months to the end of February 2024 shows a declining demand for Pacific Australia Labour Mobility (PALM) scheme seasonal workers — those who used to be under the Seasonal Worker Programme (SWP),

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Opinion: It’s important to acknowledge PNG’s own interests with China

China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi is expected in Papua New Guinea this weekend to sign an agreement clearing the way for PNG’s agricultural exports to enter the Chinese market. This step has already caught

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Opinion: Your quick guide to the Solomon Islands elections

By Priestley Habru, University of Adelaide and 360info Staff Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare could retain power on 17 April but who stands in his way of making history?  Solomon Islands sits on the edge of a

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Opinion: Decriminalisation of same-sex relations in Cook Islands

On 14 April 2023, during the second reading of the Crimes (Sexual Offence) Amendment Bill 2023, Cook Islands Prime Minister Mark Brown, in this speech, said: We are a free country, we have freedom of speech, we have

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Opinion: Another nonsensical decision as Rugby Championship application by Fiji, Japan but rejected by Sanzaar

Sanzaar is proving itself to be the Goldilocks of world rugby, except perhaps that it may never come up with a plan that is just right. For too long its vision was too ambitious – it wanted Super Rugby to expand

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Opinion: Uncharted waters II: an update on politics in Tonga

Tonga’s Crown Prince Tupouto’a ‘Ulukalala recently led a government delegation to the second Japan-Pacific Islands Defence Dialogue. Members of his delegation included the current Prime Minister’s defence

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