Opinion: Shifting the dial on child malnutrition in the Pacific and Timor-Leste

As donors seeking to support development impact in the Pacific, the Australian government cannot afford to ignore the challenge of child undernutrition and its deep and long-lasting impacts on the Pacific region’s

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Opinion: Assessing Remittances Potential to Build Climate Resilience in the Pacific

While contributing very little to global warming, Pacific Island nations are among the most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, already experiencing extreme climate-induced disasters such as tropical cyclones.

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Opinion: The Pacific Labour Scheme and the Royal Commission into Aged Care

In Suva, new Prime Minister Anthony Albanese took a smiling selfie with Fijian aged care workers, who are preparing to come to Australia to look after our elderly in a new pilot program. Raising the standard of aged

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Opinion: The Pacific Islands Forum’s Forgotten Pacific Islanders

No one disputes that a central objective of the Pacific Islands Forum (PIF) is to improve and enhance the broad socio-economic and political development of Pacific Island peoples and address any and all factors

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Opinion: Putting the Case Forward for Pacific Integration

Pacific Islands Forum (PIF) leaders identified and discussed the various elements that could constitute the 2050 Strategy at their annual meeting in Funafuti, Tuvalu in August 2019. They then tasked the Pacific Islands

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Opinion: Solomon Islands, a blueprint to stop a cycle of strife

Allowing more power for the provinces under a decentralised system of governance will be a step towards stability. In November last year, Solomon Islands’ capital Honiara erupted into three days of riots, resulting in

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Opinion: Pacific aviation is struggling to take off after the pandemic – how can the ‘blue continent’ stay connected?

With Samoa fully reopening its borders on August 1, another Pacific country moved tentatively forwards after two years of border closures and little or no international tourism. But opening up is not as simple as

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Opinion: What the U.S should do in Solomon Islands

American diplomats and dignitaries have assembled in Honiara for the 80th anniversary of the Guadalcanal Landings during World War II (WWII). Recent developments, including the China–Solomon Islands security agreement

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Opinion: What do Pacific workers think about Australia’s Engagement Visa?

The new Australia Pacific Engagement Visa has sparked great interest from Pacific workers in Australia, however there is a need for clarification around the details of the scheme, Akka Rimon writes. A major policy of

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Opinion: Don’t blame Pacific Island cultures for queer fear, blame colonisation

Six of the seven players who refused to wear the Manly Sea Eagles rainbow jersey in their match on Thursday night are from a Pasifika heritage.  I’ve been working alongside wellbeing and education with the NRL since

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PNG’s election a violent event

Bitter experience should have been a warning that elections need to be properly planned and administered. Violence is a mainstay of Papua New Guinea’s elections. As I write this article, tensions are high in the PNG

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PICTA in the slow lane

My article published in this magazine in June 2021 was entitled ‘Fast-tracking PICTA’. This was a reference to the Pacific Island Countries Trade Agreement, a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) intended for the Pacific

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