Pacific artist soars to the top of the world

Spend a bit of time on TikTok and the chances are you will pretty quickly come across someone dancing to the iconic track “Iko Iko” performed by Pacific music star Justin Wellington, aka ‘JW’. While Pacific

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Kayboy perseveres through COVID

“Roots and culture is so vital and important for myself personally,” says Kayboy, a popular young Solomon Islands musician. “I pay homage to my culture and traditions. Blending traditional chants and dialects with

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Fiji @ 50: Losing the arts is to lose our soul

The arts have clearly shaped Fiji’s trajectory these last 50 years but have the arts and our creative industries been afforded agency to flourish and continue their critical role in nation-building and nurturing? Have

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BY: PENI KOMAISAVAI The passing of the late Daniel Rae Costello is a very sad day for Fiji’s Music Industry says Fiji Performance Rights Association Limited (FPRA) Director, Laisa Vulakoro.  “I am really

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Marching and singing for independence

By Nic Maclellan in Noumea, New Caledonia A small but vibrant group of women marched through the streets of downtown Noumea on Saturday, calling for a ‘Yes’ vote in New Caledonia’s referendum on

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Moana – An Ocean of Reform

SIX Pacific singers, one goal – to sing about the plight of people who face injustice and to reconcile the world with its inhabitants after years of abuse. Call it fate, a fluke of nature or just the unseen hand

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Copy of Tribute to godfather of Pacific music Sounds of Sevesi

SEVEN months after becoming the first Tongan to be inducted into New Zealand Music’s Hall of Fame, Wilfred Jeffs, who went by the stage name Bill Sevesi, passed away, aged 92,,on April 23. When the news trickled

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