Pacific nations gather in Samoa for first Loss and Damage dialogue

Pacific people are increasingly suffering loss and damage from superstorms breaking records each year; sea level rise eating away villages and arable land; ocean acidification dissolving our reefs; increasing sea

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UN sets date for loss and damage talks

The United Nations has set a date for crunch talks over funding for climate victims despite Asia-Pacific developing countries’ failure to nominate their two representatives. The move piles pressure on the block to

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Tuvalu’s Paeniu lauds recognition of loss and damage at COP27

Tuvalu’s Minister of Finance Seve Paeniu has praised the decision by the UN climate summit in Egypt, known as COP27, to formally recognise loss and damage from climate change. The move opens the way for more

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COP27 closes with deal on loss and damage

After days of intense negotiations in Sharm el-Sheikh, countries at the latest UN Climate Change Conference, COP27, reached agreement on an outcome that established a funding mechanism to compensate vulnerable nations

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Loss and damage on the climate agenda

The question of whether ‘loss and damage’ should lead to compensation and acceptance of liability is causing ruptures at the COP27 climate talks in Egypt. Loss and damage is the irreversible economic and

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Call for pragmatism at COP27

The message was clear: if delegates to this week’s COP27 climate conference expect global greenhouse gas emitters to completely eliminate all uses of fossil fuel without support, it will be a difficult task. The

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