Be A Good Ancestor, Protect Our Legacy for Future Generations

In the Pacific, the moana (ocean) does not divide our islands, it unites us. For centuries, Indigenous peoples have recognised that the oceans are a creative force of nature and form the foundation of our blue planet.

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UN climate report: It’s ‘now or never’ to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees

A new flagship UN report on climate change out Monday indicating that harmful carbon emissions from 2010-2019 have never been higher in human history, is proof that the world is on a “fast track” to disaster,

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The Pacific looks to Glasgow

What will the Pacific islands region be prioritising at the COP26 climate talks? By Dr Ian Fry As wildfires take lives and ravage property around the Mediterranean and North America and floods destroy lives and property

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The Pacific looks to Glasgow

By Dr Ian Fry As wildfires take lives and ravage property around the Mediterranean and North America and floods destroy lives and property in other parts of Europe, China and Nepal, Pacific Island countries are bracing

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