The perils of underinsurance

Underinsurance and the unawareness of insurance remain significant challenges say insurance providers in Fiji and the Pacific. Chief Executive Officer of Capital Insurance in Fiji, Tonga, and Vanuatu, David Ariff Chan,

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Growing insurance in the Pacific

A vibrant ‘insurance movement’ is “disrupting the historical status quo of insurance coverage access being largely confined to medium to high income urbanites,” says the General Secretary of the United Nations

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Micro-insurance gaining ground

Parametric insurance programs are seeing increasing payouts to farmers, social welfare participants and persons with disabilities, and increased interest in the micro-insurance schemes. In Fiji, 202 persons with

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Ship insurers accused of enabling fishing vessels to ‘go dark’

When it comes to illegal fishing, London’s ancient business of ship insurance may not get much attention. But according to a new complaint, the UK capital’s insurance industry is partly to blame when fishing vessels

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New parametric insurance products launched

In early August, Salaseini Koroi, a schoolteacher turned cane farmer, sent two tonnes of harvested cane to Lautoka mill. It was the culmination of a year’s hard work in the fields of Lautoka, in Fiji’s western

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BSP Life paid $67M in 2021 and $40M so far in 2022

MEDIA RELEASE5th July 2022 BSP Life today announced it processed 75,000 benefits worth F$67 million in 2021, averaging $250,000 each working day. Life insurance maturities and living benefits totalled $44 million. Death

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Insuring against disasters

As November nears, the thoughts of many Pacific islanders turn to preparations for the South Pacific cyclone season. Are there matches and candles, batteries and bottled water in the house? Are the hurricane shutters in

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Pacific Islands need technology more than travel bubbles

      A pathway to reopening Pacific Island tourism in parallel with the roll out of NZ’s COVID-19 vaccination programme in 2021 would be a significant economic boost for the region. While NZ

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