PNG’s Economic Outlook remains positive, says IMF report

Papua New Guinea Prime Minister James Marape has welcomed an International Monetary Fund (IMF) report indicating that Papua New Guinea’s economic outlook remains positive.  The IMF report, released Saturday,

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Pacific Islands nations should consider debt-for-nature deals to lower borrowing costs, IMF says

Pacific Islands nations most at risk from rising seas should consider novel debt-for-nature deals as high debt levels across the region make traditional loans unsustainable, a senior International Monetary Fund official

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Samoa no longer in ‘debt distress’: Minister

Samoa has been taken off the list of “debt distress” nations and is now eligible to apply for loans from the International Monetary Fund or the World Bank. The Minister of Finance, Lautimuia Uelese

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IMF lowers global economic growth outlook as ‘fog thickens’

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) forecast in their latest World Economic Outlook published on Tuesday, that global growth will bottom out at 2.8 percent this year before rising modestly to around three percent in

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Fiji confirms economic recession

The Reserve Bank of Fiji (RBF) has today confirmed Fiji’s sure path to an economic recession, as all sectors of the economy brace for the harsh impact of the current coronavirus pandemic. “Following almost a

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