Fraudulent cases against PNG MPs gathering dust

Three men sat there, few computers, a single printer sitting idle at the entrance, no telephones, papers piled up, and folders everywhere one would guess none have been reopened or attempted to be read fraudulent case

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Fraud case against ex-French Polynesia president dismissed

The French judiciary has thrown out an alleged forgery and fraud case against the former French Polynesian president Gaston Flosse, relating to a property transaction in Paris. In 2018, Flosse and his son Reginald had

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Gaston Flosse given suspended prison sentence

French Polynesia’s former president and veteran politician, Gaston Flosse has been given a suspended prison sentence for producing a fake contract to register as a Papeete voter. The criminal court gave him a

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PNG ‘extremely frustrated’ over extradition request for Samson Jubi

A Papua New Guinea government minister and top justice officials say they are “extremely frustrated” with Australia for harbouring a Cairns resident wanted for one of the biggest alleged frauds in the

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