Farmers need to be part of disaster risk talks

At risk of ‘unintended effects’ of climate policies: World Farmers Organisation Farmers could be hurt by the very actions that are meant to help them if they are not in the room when disaster risk reduction

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Protecting food security in the face of COVID-19

SPC Land Resources DivisionIn a move to help boost food security as the Pacific recovers from COVID-19, The Pacific Community’s (SPC) Land Resources Division (LRD) has established two rapid response projects: The

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Creative and cultural sectors across the Pacific and the world, have been among the hardest hit as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. While the value of arts and culture is often framed in strictly economic terms and

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Robert Oliver Q&A

Islands Business: Bula Robert and welcome back to Fiji. You just arrived last night. What’s the first thing you want to eat when you come back? Robert Oliver: Well actually I dropped my bags and went

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