Pacific prepares for El Niño

As the Pacific approaches its cyclone season, Pacific Island countries are also preparing themselves for warmer and wetter conditions caused by an El Niño.  In July, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric

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Guam prepares for possible ‘super-typhoon’

People of Guam have been advised to take precaution as a super-typhoon is expected to hit the island, according to the territory’s National Weather Service.  Typhoon Mawar has intensified into a category-4 typhoon.

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Pacific workers well cared for but worried about work

Seasonal workers from the Pacific are bunking in emergency shelters after Cyclone Gabrielle tore through New Zealand’s North Island as they wait to hear if there’s still work available for them. Alusio

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Pacific workers housed at church soon to have accommodation

More than 400 workers from the Pacific evacuated to a Napier church should be able to return to more permanent accommodation in the next few days. Workers from Samoa, Fiji, Tuvalu and Solomon Islands had stayed at The

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‘We must act now’: NZ Minister of Climate Change

New Zealand’s climate change minister has made a furious speech excoriating parliament for lost decades of “bickering” over the climate crisis, as Cyclone Gabrielle devastates the country. “As I stand here

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New Zealand hit by flash floods, landslides and death toll rises to four

Heavy rainfall hit New Zealand’s north island again on Sunday, causing landslides, flash floods and knocking out roads, with the death toll rising to four after a person who had been missing was confirmed dead.

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Cook Islands: 5m waves expected, tourists urged to delay travel

A Cook Islands tourism operator is advising New Zealand travellers to consider putting off their travel as waves of up to 5 metres are expected. Last week, the south coast of the Cook Islands was hit by 4.5m waves which

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Tropical depression moves toward Fiji

Rotuma can expect damaging winds and heavy rain from tomorrow (Thursday) afternoon as a Tropical Depression moves slowly east towards Fiji. Located about 1000 km west of Rotuma at 6am today, TDF04 has winds of between

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Vanuatu on watch for floods

Vanuatu’s northern and central regions have been warned to expect heavy rain and flash flooding as a severe weather system closes in from the north-west. Isolated heavy rainfall with thunder and winds of up to 46

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