Pacific economies: driven to the brink of change

FANALEI. A 2-kilometre-wide island in the Solomon Islands. Once home to 500 people. Now, almost empty. The reason a young student and her peers are taking on the world.  Just over 2000 kilometers away, a man in his

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Call for a review of the ‘regional architecture’ to address the needs of Forum Members

With so many regional plans, strategies, frameworks – and now the 2050 Strategy, some Pacific countries are concerned with how benefits are flowing to member countries.  There are now calls to review the ‘regional

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FEMM endorsed re-designed Pacific Resilience Facility

The Pacific Islands Forum Leaders Meeting later this year in Rarotonga is expected to adopt and approve the redesigned Pacific Resilience Facility (PRF) after it was endorsed by the Forum Economic Ministers Meeting

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Forum Chair calls for urgent rethinking of sustainable growth worries

The Chair of the Pacific Islands Forum and Prime Minister of the Cook Islands, Mark Brown, says there is an urgent need for Pacific leaders to relook at how they have been handling sustainable growth in their

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Unified Pacific is the game changer, says senior UN executive

An Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations has urged a key gathering of finance ministers from across the Pacific to form a “unified and strengthened Pacific” as a game changer in the struggle against the

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Cook Islands PM asks partners to get serious about debt and climate financing as economic ministers meet

Cook Islands Prime Minister Mark Brown says if the region’s donor partners are serious about helping Pacific economies grow and recover, they “have to be serious about looking at changing the rules around financing,

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Climate finance crunch

The Pacific Islands Forum is taking another look at its ambitions to take control of resilience funding following the Forum Economic Ministers Meeting in Vanuatu this month. The hybrid meeting saw attending delegates

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Civil Society Organisation Response – PACIFIC DISABILITY FORUM

PACIFIC ISLANDS FORUM SECREATARIATFORUM ECONOMIC MINISTERS MEETING DIALOGUE WITH CSOsTheme: Clustering for Regional Post-COVID Economic Recovery and StabilityWarwick Le Lagoon Resort, Port Vila, Vanuatu12 August 2022

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Forum Economic Ministers Meeting: a marriage of national priorities and regional strategies

Islands Business reporter Sera Tikotikovatu-Sefeti has been talking to Pacific Islands ministers and officials at the Forum Economic Ministers Meeting about their economic priorities and regional opportunities.

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Fiji at the FEMM: “We’re all about regionalism”

Islands Business reporter Sera Tikotikovatu-Sefeti has been talking to Pacific Islands ministers and officials at the Forum Economic Ministers Meeting in Vanuatu about their economic priorities and regional

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Tonga at FEMM: disaster risk financing the priority

Islands Business reporter Sera Tikotikovatu-Sefeti has been talking to Pacific Islands ministers and officials at the Forum Economic Ministers Meeting about their economic priorities and regional opportunities. Here are

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Cook Islands at FEMM: tourism and crisis recovery finance

Islands Business reporter Sera Tikotikovatu-Sefeti has been talking to Pacific Islands ministers and officials at the Forum Economic Ministers Meeting in Vanuatu about their economic priorities and regional

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