Tonga wins 2023 Pacific Invasive Species Battler of the Year Award

National Invasive Species Coordinator of the Tonga Ministry of Meteorology, Energy, Information, Disaster Management, Environment, Climate Change and Communications (MEIDECC), Viliami Hakaumotu has been honoured as the

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Opinion: Regenerate forests and save humanity

“The era of global boiling has arrived,” UN Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres, recently warned. It looks as if the climate change tipping point has been activated and all hands are required on deck to mitigate the

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Logging tax killed industry: PNG MP Namah

Vanimo-Green MP Belden Namah says raising the logging export tax has “killed the logging industry” in Papua New Guinea. “The Treasurer (Ian Ling-Stuckey) has literally killed the logging industry,” Namah said.

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Opinion: The costs of logging in Solomon Islands

In the years following the 1998-2003 ethnic tensions in Solomon Islands, the World Bank assisted the Solomon Islands government in planning a project to support rural communities. This resulted in the Rural Development

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Global greenhouse gas emissions at all-time high, study finds

Greenhouse gas emissions have reached an all-time high, threatening to push the world into “unprecedented” levels of global heating, scientists have warned. The world is rapidly running out of “carbon budget”,

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Turning the Tide on Plastics

Pristine, picturesque, paradise. Common words which are often used to describe our Pacific Island Countries. It is not unusual to hear that a visit to the Pacific region sits on the bucket lists of many people. With

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Amount of warming triggering carbon dioxide in air hits new peak

The cause of global warming is showing no signs of slowing as heat-trapping carbon dioxide in Earth’s atmosphere increased to record highs in its annual Spring peak, jumping at one of the fastest rates on record,

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Cook Islands pressing ahead with environment policy

It’s a document which received applause from Cook Islands environmentalists and school students alike when it was launched last week.  The Cook Islands National Environment Policy 2022-32 is an attempt to ‘escalate

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Japan’s recycling town: Can it inspire the Pacific?

When the residents of Osaki in southern Japan were first told about new plans for waste management and recycling in their small town, some were unhappy. “They threw cans at us,” said the Assistant Section Chief and

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Tap into “environmentally conscious” tourists: Pacific report

A recently released report is recommending that Pacific destinations tap into environmentally conscious tourists when rebuilding their tourism sectors.  This was part of recommendations in a recently released

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Paddling Reverend creates global ripples

By Anendra Singh Mother Earth speaks volumes when it comes to defining life, but the Reverend James Shri Bhagwan believes a more universal dialect does that better.In trying to put global existence on its axis from a

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Nawadra to lead SPREP

Fiji’s Sefanaia Nawadra is the new Director General of the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP). Nawadra takes up the role next April, and will succeed Samoa’s Kosi Latu, who has served

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