Indonesia starts exporting electricity to Papua New Guinea

Indonesian President Joko Widodo and Papua New Guinea Prime Minister James Marape met at the Bogor Palace on Monday to discuss cooperation in various fields, including electricity exports to the border region.

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Palau faces challenges, Opportunities in merging solar and diesel power

The Palau Public Utilities Corporation (PPUC) is undergoing a significant transformation driven by new energy technologies.   This shift, centred on merging solar energy with existing diesel-generated power, presents

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State company exports first LNG shipment

An historical moment, state-owned Petroleum company exports its first LNG shipment, bound for China. KPHL Managing Director Wapu Sonk said this is the access volume from its shareholding in the PNG LNG Project.

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Puma stops fuel supply in PNG, PM searches Australia for fuel

Puma stops fuel supply in PNG PNG’s fuel dilemma is far from over.  Service stations are shutting down while Jet A1 that keeps planes flying might finish today, says the country’s major fuel supplier Puma Energy

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Puma scales down operations, a fuel crisis is imminent in PNG

A fuel crisis is imminent with fuel and liquid gas supplier Puma Energy reducing its Papua New Guinea operation. Effective last Thursday, Puma Energy started to issue termination of contract notices to customers. Early

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Stop fuel supply notice to affect PNG Air flight

The stop fuel supply notice by Puma Energy has now posed an imposition to business and communities traveling on the PNG Air Network. PNG Air in a statement said that under the circumstances PNG Air has assessed that the

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Scaling up renewable energy in the Pacific

A rural electrification project launched in Fiji last month will take electricity to almost 200 households from renewable energy sources, with project lead, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) highlighting the increasing

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Kiribati’s fuel crisis

Part of a financial crisis? Residents of Kiribati’s most populous island, South Tarawa, were welcomed to August by a fuel crisis that persisted for six days, disrupting the capital’s ‘business-as-usual’ mode and

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PNG Power broke

Papua New Guinea State Enterprises Minister William Duma says PNG Power Limited has reached a critical point where all financial indications show that it is in danger of insolvency. “Major contributing factors over

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Call for Pacific Energy Commissioner

The 5th Pacific Regional Energy and Transport Ministers meeting has recommended the establishment of a Pacific Energy Commissioner for a Just and Equitable Transition to a Fossil Fuel Free Pacific. Chairperson of the

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Papua LNG project: potential economic contribution, says ANZ

The ANZ bank says the proposed Papua New Guinea LNG project will deliver PGK18bn (US$5bn) in new spending (in constant prices or in real terms) during its construction phase. This is equivalent to 27.3% of PNG’s

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Decarbonising transport: hydrogen fuel is next

While electric vehicles are only just entering Pacific Island markets, Tokyo is working towards an ambitious plan that would see a decarbonised society with net zero CO2 emissions by 2050. Increasing the number of

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