Equitable Fishing Access and Sustainable Practices to be Addressed at Upcoming Council Meeting in Honolulu

As the U.S. exclusive economic zone available to fishing continues to shrink due to federal regulations, foreign fishing presence increases and Pacific Islands bear the brunt of American conservation efforts, justice

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FSM files continental shelf claim

The Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) has filed with the United Nations Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf a claim of an extended continental shelf covering a high-sea area of approximately 188,000

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Walking the Talk

Sustainable Niue Ocean Wide – Conservation, Management and Development Niue continues its voyage on a chartered course to highest global standards in sustainable ocean governance. Over the last five years, Niue has

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Fiji mourns loss of retired UN diplomat

Fiji mourns a trail-blazing diplomat today. Ambassador Satya N Nandan died at his New York home on Tuesday. Nandan chaired the drafting of the United Nations Convention of the Sea that gave Fiji and other islands of the

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