Reversing the tide of colonial anthropology

Doctor Tarisi Vunidilo has emerged as a leading voice in the growing movement across the Pacific in recent years to repatriate Pacific treasures, as well as human remains from museums across Europe and other parts of

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Will Marshall Islands sign the TPNW nuclear ban treaty?

The two teams lined up face to face. Students from the College of Marshall Islands (CMI) and the Majuro campus of the University of the South Pacific (USP) squared off in a mock debate: should the Marshall Islands sign

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COP28: Boiling Point

It’s taken 70 years but some of the life is slowly coming back around Bikini atoll, ravaged by the United States’ nuclear tests in the Marshall Islands immediately after World War Two.  For a team from the

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The Pacific’s nursing crisis

‘An unprecedented shortage’ Pacific Heads of Health have heard that the shortage of skilled nurses in the region is “unprecedented and poses a threat to the stability, accessibility and quality of

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Communication, crafting and relationship building

Communication has always played a significant role in relationship building and maintenance. Indigenous societies understood the importance of crafting the right message for the right audience. In a world where messages

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‘If only we had learned from our ancestors’

(Natori, Japan) When a magnitude-9  earthquake hit northern Japan on March 11, 2011, businessman Naomitsu Kakui was driving in Sendai City.  The shaking was so intense, he stopped where he was,  got out of his car

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Opinion: Benchmarking microfinance

In the last few years we have seen a notably bleaker narrative around our efforts to end global poverty. Severe impacts of climate change, lingering effects of an unprecedented pandemic, and a looming food insecurity

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Opinion: The Pacific Islands Forum’s Forgotten Pacific Islanders

No one disputes that a central objective of the Pacific Islands Forum (PIF) is to improve and enhance the broad socio-economic and political development of Pacific Island peoples and address any and all factors

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The false Pacific dilemma of choosing between U.S. and China

For some observers, the signing of the China-Solomon Islands Treaty has opened a can of geostrategic worms for the Pacific (Australia, NZ and FICs), presenting a false dilemma that FICs ought to choose who is to be

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Cook Islands retrace its breadfruit roots

A breadfruit revival of sorts is underway in Cook Islands, revitalising, or re-popularising breadfruit orchards on the archipelago.

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South Pacific Business Development (SPBD) Fiji 2020

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From Aspirations to Inspirations: The Marshall Islands Fishing Story

The story of how the Marshall Islands went from being a bystander in commercial fishing in the Pacific to operating the world’s busiest tuna transshipment port, two fish processing facilities, a purse seine vessel net

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