New Caledonia independence parties prepare for talks with France

Key members of the New Caledonia’s independence movement Front de Libération Nationale Kanak et Socialiste (FLNKS) have debated policy at party congresses, in preparation for looming negotiations with the French

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Samoa no longer in ‘debt distress’: Minister

Samoa has been taken off the list of “debt distress” nations and is now eligible to apply for loans from the International Monetary Fund or the World Bank. The Minister of Finance, Lautimuia Uelese

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Commonwealth Finance Ministers meet in Marrakesh to tackle overlapping global crises

Commonwealth Finance Ministers met this week in Marrakesh, Morocco to discuss the reform of the global financial architecture, with particular attention to two pivotal areas, scaling up development finance and

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Forum Chair calls for urgent rethinking of sustainable growth worries

The Chair of the Pacific Islands Forum and Prime Minister of the Cook Islands, Mark Brown, says there is an urgent need for Pacific leaders to relook at how they have been handling sustainable growth in their

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Cook Islands PM asks partners to get serious about debt and climate financing as economic ministers meet

Cook Islands Prime Minister Mark Brown says if the region’s donor partners are serious about helping Pacific economies grow and recover, they “have to be serious about looking at changing the rules around financing,

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Fiji Budget Debate: TELs change ‘selling out’ students

Fiji opposition parliamentarian, Parveen Bala says the government’s new scholarship system is “selling out of the principle of equal access to higher education, just to keep a badly thought-out election

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Fiji Budget Debate: Seruiratu concerned over government debt

The Leader of the Opposition in Fiji’s Parliament says the government’s budget will increase national debt from FJ$9.9 billion to $10.5 billion. Seruiratu said, “The government debt had been on the decline

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Fiji budget debate: Rabuka flags possible mini budget

Fiji’s Prime Minister said his government may deliver a mini-budget six months from now in order to ensure close monitoring of the 2023–2024 Budget. Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka told parliament yesterday: “This

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Fiji Budget 2023-2024: A wrap

Fiji’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance, Biman Prasad, today presented a deficit budget in Fiji’s parliament. With a projected revenue of $3.7 billion, and expenditure of $4.3 billion, the

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Fiji Budget: A focus on debt sustainability

The drive to reducing Fiji’s debt underpins many of the measures included in the 2023-2024 Fiji budget, with the coalition government hoping to bring it down to 79% of GDP by July 2024. Government debt is projected to

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World Bank to suspend debt repayments for disaster-hit countries

The World Bank will start offering a pause in loan repayments to the “most vulnerable” countries when they are hit by catastrophic events including climate-related disasters.  The bank’s new chief Ajay Banga

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World leaders headed to Paris summit in push for global debt, climate reform

World leaders will gather in Paris this week with ambitions to reimagine global financing for a new era shaped by climate change, as a cascade of crises swamps debt-burdened countries. French President Emmanuel Macron

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