How the Pacific can learn from each other, and unite on COVID vaccines

Pacific island nations can learn from the early roll-out of coronavirus vaccines in the north Pacific says the World Health Organisation’s  Representative in the South Pacific. The Pacific’s COVID response is

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Mixed response to Fiji budget

Responses to the Fiji budget have been mixed. A summary follows. The Fiji Hotel and Tourism Association has welcomed the budget and its move to reduce overheads, calling it “bold and innovative.”  

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Fiji Budget wrap

Fiji’s 2020-21 National Budget will see the Government attempt to spend its way out of the COVID-19 induced recession. “Barring drastic intervention, our economy may never fully recover; not this year, not next

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Vanuatu Election results disrupted by Chair’s death, COVID-19 precautions

The Vanuatu Electoral Commission has hit its worst nightmare as the official results continue to be delayed due to the COVID-19 situation and sadly, the passing of its Electoral Chairman Martin Tete in the early hours

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First case of Covid-19 in Tahiti

President of French Polynesia Edouard Fritch has announced the first case of Covid-19 in Tahiti – the first confirmed case of the coronavirus across the Pacific Islands. President Fritch said that Maina Sage,

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Fijian soldiers return from Iraq tonight to COVID-19 measures

Fijian soldiers returning from peacekeeping duties in Iraq tonight will not be able to meet their relatives immediately after arrival. This is a precaution against the corona Virus, COVID-19. Iraq has 54 reported

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Coronavirus travel restrictions: a Pacific wrap

There have been no cases of coronavirus reported in the Pacific Islands region, although Australia and New Zealand have reported cases, and in the case of Australia, one death. However the Pacific region has responded

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Coronavirus: a Pacific wrap-up

An outbreak of a new coronavirus has killed at least 106 people in China, and has spread to some of the Pacific’s close neighbours, including Australia (with five cases) and Malaysia (with four). The United States,

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